Industrial Engineering Lab
- Work System Analysis and Design Lab (IE 307 L),
- Simulation Lab (IE 330 L)
- The purpose of this Lab is to introduce the student the applications of the Human Factor Ergonomics and Work System Design in the field of Industrial Engineering.
- Different techniques include basic Industrial engineering tools, work analysis, data acquisition and application, performance evaluation and appraisal, work measurement procedures and motion study, ergonomics principles to design safe and highly usable products and work places.
- Students will be able perform experiments related to the lab material.
- This lab consists of several experiments that help individuals to learn several methods for assessing and improving performance.
- Simulation lab includes modeling and analysis of production and service systems, simulation methodology, model building in a computer environment and analyzing performance measures.
- It also teaches simulation languages, basic and advanced modules, and statistical aspects of simulation such as fitting of input and output distributions. Validation and verification of simulation models are also covered.
- Anthropometry Kit
- Jackson Strength Evaluation Equipment
- Purdue pegboard
- Mirror Tracing Equipment
- Electromyography (EMG) Equipment
- Grip Dynamometer
- Treadmill
- Anemometer
- WBGT, Torch Lights, etc
Contact Person

Name: Atef Ghaleb
Contact Number(s): +966 11 215 8837
- Atef M. Ghaleb is a lecturer with the Industrial Engineering Department of Alfaisal University, Saudi Arabia.
- He holds a B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering from Taiz University, Yemen, M.Sc. and Ph.D. from the King Saud University, Saudi Arabia.
- His specialties are human factors and ergonomics and applied operations research. His areas of interest include human factors and ergonomics, safety, and finite element modeling of manufacturing processes.
- He has published several papers in local and international refereed journals and conferences.
- Dr. Atef has teaching experience in leading institutes of Yemen and Saudi Arabia.